Monday, December 29, 2008

How About a FREE $10 from Walgreens?

Click HERE to find out how.

Also, all Christmas stuff is 75% off right now at Walgreens. I bought 2000+ lights tonight from $1 to $2.49 a strand. Some of them were those LED kind too -- not bad. I needed all that stuff anyway, so I might as well get it all now instead of 10 months from now for full price. There was a TON of good stuff there for next to nothing. So I loaded up and spent $97.05, BUT I saved $276 AND it was on things I was going to have to buy next October anyway, so why not now for much less?

If you go to the Reidsville Walgreens, good luck. There was a hoard of people there clawing over the remains when I left with my 2 cart loads.!

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