Monday, February 2, 2009

How Much Stuff Do You Have?

I have so many things that I use everyday just lying around now that it's almost embarrassing. It's nothing I can really donate, but Christmas lights, medicine, aluminum foil, etc., and I have no place to really put it anymore. What do yall do? It'll get used, but I'm telling you it's ridiculous. I remember way back in April 2008 when I quit buying toothpaste. I just started this whole thing of getting so much for sooo little. I never imagined I'd have this problem, but it's a good one to have.

By the way, I got 10 of those Gillete Fusion razors last week! I have enough now for the P&G deal where you "buy" $50 of P&G products and they send you $120 in P&G coupons. I gave 46 cents for each of those $7.99 razors!

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