Thursday, October 30, 2008

Real Men of Genius

If you've ever been driving down I-40 around 8am and swerved across 3 lanes of traffic after falling across the wheel from laughing at the latest "Real Men of Genius" commercial on the radio, then this link is for you. Today we salute you, Mr. Giant Taco Salad Inventor. I still don't see no lettuce.

Click HERE.

Sale at Lowe's Foods Today Only 4pm - Closing

October 30th 4pm until 12am at Lowe's Foods. Don't forget to bring your own bags for 50 extra GreenPoints. The best deal is to save them up and use them to lower your bill. 1000pts = $1 and they do this about once a month.

* 2 liter pepsi .59- LIMIT 4
* Folgers $3.99 - LIMIT 2 (DOES NOT LIST A SIZE)
* Freschetta Pizza $3.99 LIMIT 4
* Pride of the Farm frozen turkey breast .89 lb - LIMIT 2
* Eastern Rome Apples .79 - NO LIMIT
* 12ct cookies $1.99 - NO LIMIT
* Kretschmar off the bone honey ham $3.99 lb - NO LIMIT

In addition to these buys there will be a Moonlight Madness coupon $5.00 off $50.00 with card. The 50.00 is after all exclusions, discounts, coupons and taxes. The coupons is only good 4pm - closing on Oct. 30th.

Thanks Hot Coupon World

Cheap(er) Gas

Got it for $2.49 last night at Walmart and noticed this morning the surrounding stores had followed suit. Many people in the country are getting for $1.99 and even $1.79! I actually filled up for less than $40 last night -- the first time in over 18 months. Has anyone seen it under $2.49??

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Good Stuff Today

As soon as I figure out how to add links to the sidebar of this blog, I'll be showing yall some good stuff. Anybody else who does this, get at me and let me know how. Today I got a gourmet chocolate cake from Omaha Steaks delivered for $3.98. Last week, I got 12 gourmet burgers, a 6 piece cutlery set, and a cutting board delivered for $3.98 from Omaha Steaks. If you missed that deal, too was good.

Harris Teeter Triples

I just spoke with Harris Teeter in Danville, VA and they are having triple coupons Nov 6-9. If you've never done triples before, get ready to get some good stuff for free, even some overage!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Why Do We Do This?

We are being frugal in the way we spend our money so that we can buy MORE for LESS and use the extra goods and money to be a blessing to others. There is a difference in being frugal and being cheap. Being frugal is spending wisely while being cheap is being selfish. Do not hoard what God has given you! Share it with others and teach them the same!

Try this coupon thing out. What have you got to lose? Why pay more when you can pay many times LESS and get MORE of what you use everyday? If you think you don't have the time to save some serious cash, is what you're doing now working?

KMart Double Coupons

Several people have been asking me about my trip to KMart on Sunday. Here's a pic of what I bought. I got all this for $21.65! This is how you do it yall. Get some coupons, buy a bunch of stuff for next to nothing, keep what you need, and donate the rest! Save a lot of money and help others at the same time.